Monday, July 27, 2009

Onu Poolas: So..How's the economical stuff in Estonia! Does it effect all the people?
Annely: Well.. I would say that it haven't touched me yet, so I guess it's not that bad!
Onu Poolas: The reason why I'm asking is because I've heard that Estonia has the biggest economical crash in Europe?
Annely: What?? No.. What??
Onu Poolas: Yeah.. I heard it on the news that you have big problems there!
Annely: What?? Noo.. Ooooooh.. You mean.. ooh.. noo.. It's LATVIA, not Estonia! Latvia has problems.. not Estonia!!
Onu Poolas: Nono... I'm quite sure it was in Estonia!
Annely: Eem.. No! It's deffinetly Latvia.. Riga.. You know!
Onu Poolas: Well I still think it was Estonia!
Annely: #%€$£&#"%&

Friday, July 24, 2009